Passcode: 822534
I. Call to Order
II. Introductions
III. Public Comment
This opportunity is reserved for any public comments to the Board pursuant to the Brown Act with the understanding that no action may be taken, nor discussion conducted on topics not on the agenda. It is the Board’s policy that persons in the audience may address the Board in connection with any particular agenda item during the public comment period. As provided by the Brown Act, each individual’s speaking time shall be limited to three minutes. Anyone desiring to speak during the public comment period must use the “raise hand feature” in Zoom and identify themselves to the board.
IV. Board Action: Voting to approve Annual Planning Report (APR)
a. Budgetary report that needs to be submitted to the LA City Clerk’s office yearly
V. Board Action: Discussion and vote on commencing in person meeting
a. Recent Brown Act Legislation AB361
b. Organizations under the Brown Act requirements can continue to hold regular business meeting
via Zoom but such meetings must be scheduled every 30 days. This mandatory 30 day
requirement is not necessary if in person meetings are resumed.
VI. Board Action: Voting on producing two letters of support on behalf of Korean Youth Community Center (KYCC)
a. KYCC is requesting two letters of support to be included in two grant proposals
VII. Next Meeting Monday, December 13, 2021
VIII. Adjournment